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慧者法师  2012-04-14 22:03:45  槟城慧根菩提苑

日期 Date: 14 / April / 2012 ( 星期六 Saturday)

时间 Time: 10:00 am - 01:00 pm

晚上 08:00 - 10:00 pm 佛法开示 Dhamma Talk

地点 Venue: Rukun Tetangga Pavilion, Jalan Mas, Taman Guan Joo Seng, Japanese Garden, Greenlane, 11600, Penang.

捐血运动及佛法讲座会流程 Schedule :

上午 10:00 am : 捐血运动开始执行 (The Start of Blood Donation Campaign)

上午 11:15 am:

 - 求受三归五戒 (Taking Refuge in Triple Gem & Observance of Five Precepts)

 - 法师集体诵经祈福消灾 (Chanting by Mah Œ-s a º gha for Blessings)

 - 回向功德 (Transference of Merit to Departed Ones & All Sentient Beings)

 - 僧团及众佛友享用午餐 (Lunch for Mah Œ-saº gha & All Devotees)

中午 01:00 pm : 捐血运动圆满结束 (The End of Blood Donation Campaign)

晚上 08:00 pm : 开顺法师福建话佛法开示 (Hokkien Dhamma Talk by Venerable Kai Shun)

The successful blood donors will be presented a small gift as a token of thank and the service for organ donation will be available then.
欲知详情,请联络 For details, please contact:
Dr. Bhante Pannasami (04 – 6554913 / 017 – 6833442)
Bro. Kang (016 – 4580968)
Bro. Leong (012 - 4929722)
Sis. Lye Har (012 - 4510377)

欢迎各界佛友踊跃参与,福慧双修,诸事吉祥,功德无量 !善哉 !3x
All Devotees Are Welcome To Donate Blood & Accrue Great Merit Wherefrom ! Sadhu ! 3x


For the updated news & latest activities of Mahabodhi Sanctuary, please browse the following website: www.bhantepannasami.blogspot.com

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