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  2022-08-26 21:09:45  沙登佛教会脸书

2022 年供僧大会 Sanghika Dana
We warmly invite you, your families and your friends to participate in this remarkable meritorious event.

Offerings will be accepted starting from today until September 16th, 2022.

日期Date:2022年9月16日 (星期五/Friday)
时间 Time : 09:00am - 12:30nn 
地点:沙登佛教会  Serdang Buddhist Association Selangor 
25, Jalan PSK 2, Pusat Perdagangan Seri Kembangan, 43300 Seri Kembangan,Selangor.

流程 Agenda:
09:00am 法师/嘉宾/信眾抵步 Arrival of venerable Sangha members/guests & devotee
09:30am 上供仪式 Chanting and offering ceremony
10:00am 上普下徹法师开示/供养法师 Dharma talk & offering of food to venerable Sangha members

请浏览官方面子书 Please visit our Facebook page for more updates on Sanghika Dana.
Serdang Buddhist Association 沙登佛教会

询问更多详情 For more details, contact:
010-894 0774 秘书处
016-3192149 郑佩仪

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